Monday, June 16, 2008

i am so lousy at blogging...and some recent pics...

i really am lousy at this whole blogging thing. *sigh* are some random pictures from the past few...ummmm...months? :)

this is so sad...these pictures are like...3 months old. he looks way different now. he's got big chubby cheeks and thighs...and he smiles more and looks confused less :)


Tara said...

SOOOOOOOOO CUTE ANNA!!! I just want to endlessly kiss those chubby cheeks! So when are you going to post "recent" pictures!?! I want to see how my kid's little second cousin is doing? Plus, don't you know that JonG needs pictures too? :) Ok, ok, no guilt, I know it's not always the easiest thing to blog when you have 3 little kids. Eddie is almost 1 1/2 and I am JUST starting to feel a HINT of sanity coming back. Seriously, those #3 kids sure know how to kick mama's butt! love you, and I'm looking forward to more pics!

Emili said...

YEAH, more pictures!!! I have been waiting to see what he looks like. I bet it is hard to get around to blogging when you have three little ones around. I love nap time, but I only have one to worry about!
He is darling!!

Trisha & Robert Wright said...

Your kids have cute names!