Friday, February 13, 2009

I hate laundry. (actually, I just lectured Elli on using the word hate.) So....I VERY STRONGLY dislike laundry.

My goal for this week is to do one load of laundry a day (vs. 4-6 on Friday). Why do we have so much clothes?!? I think I need to de-clutter...again. And I need to fix the tear in my apron so I don't go through so many clothes. Ugh. I hate laundry. Especially when you live in a place where electricity is soooo blasted expensive that I have to be feeling rich to use the dryer. Which isn't so bad when the sun's been raining...and raining. And Tommy's painting the trim for the windows in the I don't have half of my covered clothesline space. Sorry. I should be more positive....Positive Mental Attitude! Maybe if I sleep on it it'll help. It better anyway...I have 2 more loads to do that I would really like to get done so I can start the week with all nice clean clothes.


Kelli said...

I with you!! I wish I could pay someone to fold and put my laundry away. I'm good at doing it but then the clean laundry builds, and builds and builds.

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